Just as a side note:

My little brother (seventh grade) and sister (fifth grade) were looking
over my shoulder yesterday when I was looking at the "GNOME-foot mock
screenshots" and both said "Hey cool.  What's the foot do?"  Had they been
using the computer, they would have clicked it and immediately figured out
that it was the way to quit the program.

                Soren Harward               | Windows 95/98 DOES come
 Internet Information Systems Administrator | with a tool to recover
               Cinternet, Inc.              | from Registry
 Voice: 891-1228 | corruption.      | It's called 'FDISK'.

On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, Tom Vogt wrote:

>Dan Effugas Kaminsky <> wrote:
>> All I know is, anybody who has ever used a computer before is gonna be
>> thrown for a loop with Exit not being in the file menu.  I just asked my
>> girlfriend--NOT a computer geek, let me tell you :-)  And she
>> said..." just belongs there...even if you told me, I'd
>> like...go to file...then be like, oh, it's not there, it's in here, oops"
>that's ok. you see, ESPECIALLY the simple users are easily confused if
>something changes. they don't understand this whole computer stuff at all,
>so they go by what they're used to. they're afraid if ANYTHING changes, so
>if you post that argument, you can kill ANY change with it.
>the question is what will her opinion be once she got used to the new thing?
>and how long will it take?
>if it takes a few minutes before she can find it instantly and an hour
>before she's used to it, that's a very good argument that it's more
>intuitively and should be used. if she didn't get it a month later, that's
>quite bad.
>new users will be afraid of ANY change we make. any and all. it doesn't
>matter, because switching to a new environment they do EXPECT changes. hell,
>they're usually afraid of all the new stuff if it's just a switch from win
>3.1 to  win 3.11

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