Re: The Help Menu

Yes, I know. I simplified when I wrote the mail. I _did_ mention the
fact that 'Prog' was a top-level menu item. Of course, testing this
stuff _properly_ is harder since I no longer have access to the HCI
lab back at the university. (Since I live in Canada and my university
is in Finland. :)


Soren Harward writes:
 > [I know this is a few days old.  I've been out of town.]
 > Just coming up to someone and asking "what would 'Prog' mean to you?" is a
 > good idea, but out of context.  Saying "what would a little drawing of a
 > phone mean to you?" to most people AWAY FROM their computers would invoke
 > a "well, I would guess a phone" response, but if most people saw it on
 > their computer they would recognize it as an icon for the modem.
 > However, I think that shortening "programs" to just "prog" is an
 > unnecessary attempt to conserve space.  Go ahead and write it out.
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 >                 Soren Harward               | Windows 95/98 DOES come
 >  Internet Information Systems Administrator | with a tool to recover
 >                Cinternet, Inc.              | from Registry
 >  Voice: 891-1228 | corruption.
 >      | It's called 'FDISK'.
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 > On Sun, 2 Aug 1998, Lars Torben Wilson wrote:
 > >Sorry--quick followup to myself. Just asked my wife what a menu item
 > >named 'Prog' would mean to her. (She's very intelligent but doesn't
 > >use the computer that much.) She just sorta looked at me and said
 > >'Eh? I dunno.'

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