Re: skeleton

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Vogt <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 1:06 PM
Subject: skeleton

>I've taken a look into bowie's "skeleton". here are my comments and
>I like the idea of sorting within the chapters by compliancy levels. I'll
>steal that for mine. :)


>I do not like the idea of additional "!" and "?" points. everything in "!"
>should already be covered by C1, anything in "?" by C4 or C5.

! is a way of emphasizing, kind of like Level 2+.  Question marks are
probably a better way of saying that what's Level 4 now will probably be
Level 2 later.

Please can we agree to stop using C2 compliance relating to GNOME?

>I would instead propose an additional point called  "notes" or whatever,
>for things like "if you use the gnome_whatever_widget, all c1 to c2
>features will be taken of automatically" or "if you leave the gtk defaults
>alone it this point, you are automatically c1 through c3 compliant".
>I know that by strict structure this belongs into the later chapter of
>examples and templates, but I think while reading the styleguide, most
>coders will think like "geez, how am I gonna do all that?". we should give
>them a few hints that basically say "it's not all that hard", so they keep
>on reading.

One of the points given in discussion:  Source code needs to be added to the

>other than that there isn't really much to talk about yet. bowie, what else
>do you keep for yourself? :)

Don't look at me.  I just work here.

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