Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1

* Tom Vogt
| Bowie Poag <> wrote:
| > A) Chill out, Tom. :)
| I'm cool and trying to get some work done. but I and several others have
| justified criticism on the organization of this effort. I think those who
| consider themselves the maintainers, and thus in a position of authority AND
| responsibility should listen to these arguments instead of ridiculing them and
| generally displaying an "I don't care" attitude.
| I'll rant one more time and then delete any flaimbait mails on sight, ok?
| I came to this list from gnome-list after I had posted some ideas about how
| the default panel config should be there. it was said this list was meant to
|  hold  the ui discussions, but it had been inactive for a while.
| iow, I came  here with an interest and a willingness to work on the ui part
| of gnome. I also came here with the information that this would be the place
| where that topic would be discussed.
| from this, you can easily  deduct the two things I am increasingly unhappy
| with. #1 is that the actual style guide  has not been disclosed. what can I
| discuss if there's no basis for discussion?
| #2 is that suddenly, not the list is the place of style guide posting and
| discussion, but some random irc conference.

hear hear!

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