Re: Gnome Key Binding Standard

Ben 'The Con Man' Kahn wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Paul Hepworth wrote:
> > The specific bindings are not important; they are user-configurable
> > (globally).
> > What is important is that these bindings exist.
>         Yes...  But we have to recognise that we ARE using UNIX.  Why
> should we (by default) alienate UNIX users by getting rid of the default
> key bindings they are used to?  Also, since people won't usually change
> their bindings, people will get confused if they have to type in another's
> account.  (Which can happen when working on projects together.)

Speaking of Emacs, this problem already exists with people not using
Emacs vs those using Emacs, so the problem isn't new.
People are used to the editors (etc) they use, and that's basically
not exclusively Emacs. And UNIX editors that are not Emacs are not
alien to UNIX. Therefore, forcing people to use Emacs bindings now
might be considered an alienation as well - everything's relative.

Frankly, I can't imagine any way to solve this for everybody.

But this problem can easily be solved for people working together:
They choose to use the same binding theme (Emacs in your case).


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