Re: [gnome-flashback] GTK+/Compiz/CSS Issues (Ubuntu 16.04)


On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 2:59 PM, Khurshid Alam <khurshid alam linuxmail org> wrote:
Hi Alberts ,

I applied your patch from to make csd windows re-sizable. It works, but in compiz-session it adds a black-shadow around the window ( I am aware of _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS). Screenshot: Unity setting "margin: 0px" makes the black shadow disappear and windows still stays re-sizable but on flashback-compiz it doesn't. 

Do you see that black shadow with or without applied patch _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS patch?

Now according to this commit CSD decoration should now be used under ".window-frame.solid.csd" specially without a compositor. Other third party themes like Numix (from 16.04 repo) use this and it works nice under unity, mutter, metacity with CSD windows re-sizable and without black shadow! I looked at the *window-frame* section in its code. It looks something like this: . I only changed border-radius to use 10px 10px 0 0. Honestly, it looks much better and doesn't really create black shadow even after using 1px margin. Screenshot:

Could you please tweak it a bit (change color values, shadows etc) and incorporate that into your patch? 

No. It will not be merged if compiz does not get _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS support so I dont see any reason to spend time on it.

The only problem remains is the black-corner which could probably arises from GTK_FRAME_EXTENT or from the fix of this:

Might be problem with theme and/or problem with ubuntu patched GTK+ version. Black corners are on csd windows or ssd windows? or both?

Does the patch at still applicable for compiz-1: Why the hold-up? The corresponding bug was marked as "Fix-Released" which makes things even more confusing.

Yes and no. Without this patch csd windows looks like they are running without compositor, but with patch shadow area is treated as part of window. Problem is that compiz does not support _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS so this patch will not be merged.

Not sure about this....but occurs in every compiz session, Very annoying. 

This is not related to GNOME Flashback. Looks like problem with compiz and/or gnome-terminal.

Alberts Muktupāvels

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