Re: [gnome-flashback] GNOME Flashback

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:47:33 +0300
Alberts Muktupāvels <alberts muktupavels gmail com> wrote:


Hi Alberts, first of all, thanks for your effort, it's appreciated.

Just for the records, I was the author of this article back in 2011:

And I am still using gnome-panel, even with all its quirks.

4) GNOME Panel looks terrible at least with GNOME 3.14. This is because
default theme has removed all styling that was used by GNOME Panel. This is
problem only for those who are using default theme.

Just after I installed Gtk+ 3.13.9-2 on Debian unstable I re-started my
work on an Adwaita-fallback theme, now called Adwaita-flashback, trying
to keep the delta with the default Adwaita theme to a minimum, here is
the basic idea:

The theme can be installed in ~/.themes or better in
~/.local/share/themes and selected with gnome-tweak-tool.

For now I just published the PanelWidget backgrounds fixes, I am still
not able to fix the huge icons showing in the menu entries (GVim is an
example of that), maybe this is something to be fixed in gnome-panel?

BTW, working on the theme is now a little easier using gtk-inspector
like this:
        XDG_DATA_DIRS=$XDG_DATA_DIRS:~/.local/share \
        GTK_DEBUG=interactive gnome-panel --replace 

Ah, what about a bluetooth notification applet which works with BlueZ
5, any plans for this?

GNOME 3.14 will be released soon and development for 3.16 will start. I
would like to try to catch up GNOME and make Flashback +/- usable with
GNOME 3.16 when it will be released. This looks like mission impossible if
development for GNOME Panel will be same as last year.

I was suggested to publish gnome-panel source code in other place (as last
option) and use it as new upstream. I don't want this, but it looks like
that we have no other choice if we want see some progress. Opinions about

Lets try to keep gnome-panel under the GNOME umbrella, when MATE came
out I tried to put some sense in its main developer, but there was no
room for discussion; I hope that here compromises can still be made
with the actual gnome-panel maintainer to keep _one_ upstream

With Kind Regards,

Antonio Ospite

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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