Re: [gnome-flashback] GNOME Flashback 3.15.2


On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Alberts Muktupāvels
<alberts muktupavels gmail com> wrote:
Can we revisit some decisions taken in bug 631553 [1]? Like split
applet/panel menus, or removing help/about items?


1) Split applet/panel menus... What do you mean with this?

I mean merging back right-click and Alt+right-click menus. This was a
single menu before commit a7c9ed7e9732263e.

In practice, the majority of users don't read the documentation and
don't even know that Alt+right-click menu exists. This is even worse
for Compiz users who have to do Alt+Super+right-click.

2) Why do you want to restore help/about menu items?

This was just an example, I personally don't need any help pages but
other users may want it.

3) What else do you want to change?

Maybe add back some default launchers to the top panel? I think we had
browser and email there at some point (before commit

GTK+ has deprecated GtkStatusIcon... Any suggestions how to deal with

Ubuntu has deprecated status icons and is using appindicators, KDE is
currently going towards that as well [2]. Maybe we should follow?
There is already indicator-applet for gnome-panel, but it may need a
bit of porting to work in other distributions.


Maybe. Will think about this when I will have more free time.

According to another post by Martin Gräßlin from KDE [1]:

- They encourage app developers to use appindicators (= status
notifiers). This can be easily done with Qt 5.4 out of the box, or
with Gtk+ and libappindicator (from Canonical).
- All existing tray implementations (Plasma and
Unity/indicator-applet/pantheon) seem to be compatible.

A problem with libappindicator, libindicator and indicator-applet is
that there are no official upstream releases since 2012 (though there
are changes in Bzr). If we decide to use that, I will try to get
necessary rights and do some releases (and package them for Debian).
In the meantime one can use Bzr snapshots.


Dmitry Shachnev

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