Intent to drop mouseover links

As some of you know, I have a branch of yelp-xsl called wip/html5 where
I'm staging a big pile of cleanups and modernizations to the way Yelp
formats stuff, both in app and on the web. It will merge to master when
I've broken everything I want to break, so that breakage happens all at

I want to break mouseover links. These were added in 3.0 with one
syntax. Then a different experimental syntax was added some time later.
Then we stopped using it, and it never became non-experimental. Here's
an example:

We haven't used it since 3.6 for the desktop help. I'm not sure about
app help, but I don't think many apps used it to begin with.

Style hints and experimental namespaces have no stability guarantee.
The web site even says stuff like "Do not use it unless you are
tracking Yelp development closely."

Speak up if you want this links style to stay.


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