Polari 3.22.1 freeze break request

Hey guys!

We'd like to request a UI/String freeze break for the 3.22.1 release of Polari in order to merge my GSoC work into master.

My GSoC work is described here: https://wiki.gnome.org/Design/Apps/Potential/Polari/ContextualPopup#Tentative_Design
And the Bugzilla bug for it: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=760853

Florian has already reviewed the patches and after fixing the things he pointed out, the patches
are finally ready to be merged, should the freeze break be approved.

There is no API breakage as a result of implementing this new feature, the changes are limited to
string changes and UI changes.

String additions:
1. 'Will notify if user appears online.'
2. 'Online'
3. 'Available in another room'
4. 'User is online'
5. 'User %s is now online.'

There are no changes regarding the documentation.

The new features that the patches add are:
A) a new user status tracking module (this module was not on the list at the beginning, but it became mandatory)
b) conxtextual popovers (the main UI feature of the bug)

The feature should not wait any longer as it improves the user experience by providing user information,
useful shortcut for private messaging and a way of being notified whenever a watched user comes online.

The patches have been tested and tweaked for the past month and we are confident that the feature
will not break anything as it is safe.

The latest patches are already uploaded on bugzilla (the first link provided above).


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