Updating documentation on developer.gnome.org


I would like to know how I can upload a new documentation release for a
module on developer.gnome.org, In particular I want to update

The current lastest version is 3.6.2, while we are already at 3.17.2 and
will release 3.18 soon, so the documentation needs to be updated.

I also would like to know if the name of the url on developer.gnome.org
(e.g "panel-applet") is related to the name of the folder inside the
docs folder of our source code or how it is controlled? Because we have
recently renamed the documentation folder from "panel-applet" to
"libpanel-applet" [1] and I am not sure if that could break the url on
developer.gnome.org. I am looking forward to read your reply.

P.S. I tried to find a manual or a wiki entry about this but could not
find one, if one exists please send me a link.

Regards and Thanks


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