Re: Help/Docs components in GNOME Bugzilla (again)


On 27/01/2015, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:

One year ago I brought up "make it easier to find documentation tickets
in Bugzilla" [1] on gnome-doc-list  
And gave up because it was a mess. But expecting folks (not: reporters
who might not know) to manually set the assignee to default QA contact
of gnome-user-docs-maint gnome bugs or gnome-devel-docs-maint gnome bugs
isn't convincing either.

When it comes to developer AND user documentation in Bugzilla's
{Bindings, Core, Platform, Applications} classifications, those products
that have dedicated components show this variety of component names:

* doc (1 product)
* documentation (36)
* Documentation (16)
* docs (22)
* API documentation (1)
* Developer documentation (1)
* user-docs (1)
* user docs (1)
* User docs (1)
* User documentation (1)
* User Documentation (1)
* User Guide (1)

Does the Doc team know if some products have both dev and user doc
tickets in the very same component?
It occasionally happens by accident (usually when it's someone who
doesn't work with bugzilla regularly) but it is relatively uncommon
from what I have seen.

I'm still wondering whether it makes sense to standardize the name. I'm
happy to push this and bring it upon d-d-l, but this will take a while
and need help, because: MUST identify for each Bugzilla product if the
component is about dev or user docs before renaming. Or if it's both,
someone needs to triage those items first (potentially needs help).
I would be happy to help out with sorting through Bugzilla.

Intentionally not covered in this posting: That Bugzilla keyword called


Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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