Re: Boxes string freeze break request

El dt 18 de 09 de 2012 a les 11:50 +0200, en/na Christophe Fergeau va
> Hey,
> I'd like to request a very late string freeze break for code that I'd like
> to get into Boxes 3.5.92. This is to fix bug
>, which causes Boxes to
> seem to be hung in some error situations.
> The first patch in this bug adds one new string _("Connection to '%s'
> failed") which will only appear in the UI when an error occurs after
> clicking on a box in the collection view to try to connect to it. It will
> not be user visible when all goes well.
> The patches are still under review, so I'm not 100% sure yet they will go
> into 3.5.92, but since it's getting late I'm asking for approval before
> they are fully reviewed. If this break is approved, I'll let you know when
> these patches get committed.
> Thanks,
> christophe

Given that it can be a potentially visible bug and it's only an easy
string I would give my 1/2 i18n approval.

Go try to find the other approvals!

Gil Forcada

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