Re: Using conditional expressions in Gnome documentations

On Wed, 2012-12-05 at 21:32 +0100, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> Hi
> I have just filed a bug[1] that can be solved by using conditional 
> expressions in the xml. I saw several places in the 3.6 branch where 
> these were used to include Ubuntu-specific changes, so I thought it is a 
> good idea to add one more.
> But now I see that the number of such conditional expressions was 
> recently reduced[2], so I started to wonder why did this happen?
> Was this reduction intentional for some technical reason, or was this 
> just an oversight and I should file a bug about it?

We stripped the Unity conditionals out of gnome-help because it
doesn't get used under Unity. If you're running Unity, you'll
see ubuntu-help instead.

It makes sense for standalone application help.

Two notes:

1) You can actually use help: links inside xref. That leaves
href available to provide an http: link.

<link xref="help:gnome-help/a11y"
Universal Access Help</link>

The href will be used by straight HTML builds, such as on

2) We're really making translators lives unpleasant by having
nearly identical duplicate strings, where the only difference
is a URL they shouldn't change anyway. We could do something
like this:

<p><p>For a complete listing of GNOME's caret navigation commands,
see the <link href="..." xmlns:its="";
its:withinText="yes">Universal Access Help</link>.</p>

Then we'd no longer get the duplicate string, but we'd instead
get a placeholder string like this:

msgid ""
"For a complete listing of GNOME's caret navigation commands, "
"see the <_:link/>."

msgid "Universal Access Help"

I'm not sure what sucks more for translators.

It might be worth investigating adding some sort of key-based
linking to Mallard 1.1, like DITA's keyref, but less crazy.


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