Re: Revisit "your name on the top bar"

(Not subscribed, responding to a bunch of messages from the archive...)

1. Yes, the developers refer to it as "the user menu". We have to call
it something since "theUsersNameOnTheTopBar" isn't a very nice variable
name. But this doesn't necessary mean that the docs need to call it the
same thing (ie, we call the top bar "the panel").

    1a. FWIW, Ubuntu users almost universally refer to it as "the me

2. Probably something everyone is already used to, but if you refer to
it by position, note that it's "the menu in the upper *left* corner" in
RTL languages.

3. Referring to the menu via its icon is a little bit tricky, since the
icon changes with the chat state (although all the icons [currently] do
involve a speech bubble).

4. Re: "One drawback of relying on the location of the user menu is that
it won't survive customization.": We don't support customization of the
shell UI, so that's not a problem.

-- Dan

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