Re: Trademarks

On Sun, 2010-03-28 at 21:27 -0500, Shaun McCance wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> A legal question came up in the documentation team meeting
> today. None of us are lawyers. I'm hoping this is a really
> simple question you can answer for us.
> Are we or (possibly commercial) distributors required to
> use symbols like ™ or ® when talking about something that's
> trademarked? For example, if we talk about the iPod in the
> Banshee help, do we have to write "To sync music to your
> iPod™..."?

>From Luis:

Not required, merely Common Practice. Depending on the context, it may
also be good practice to note that the functionality is not supported
by/endorsed by Apple.

So, personally, I'm inclined not to clutter our help.
Much more readable without.

As for not-supported/not-endorsed notes I'd take the same
approach I take to everything else in help: if nobody is
actually asking the question, it's not worth answering.
But IA(still)NAL.


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