GNOME Documentation Team Meeting

There will be a GNOME Documentation Team meeting this Sunday, April
19th, at 17:00 UTC.

Are you a seasoned and wily Docbook veteran?  New to writing
documentation and don't know where to start?  Now is a great time to
join the team!

There is not a formal agenda, but we will start with Shaun giving a
brief update on Project Mallard (
and a question and answer session.  I will do my best to help
facilitate the Q&A, but there may be questions that we won't be able
to answer and have to come back to at a later date.

I also recommend reading Shaun's latest blog post with his personal
goals for GNOME -

Lastly, if you have a blog or micro-blog, spread the word about the
meeting and let's see if we can't get some new faces to come.  We have
lots of work to do as we work towards GNOME 3.0!

Thanks in advance to everyone who is coming, and for those who can't
make this time, I will keep notes and publish them.


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