Background Preferences Help Patch


This is regarding a patch in a control-center bug 105231 for the Desktop
Background Preferences help. The descriptions for different background
modes are woefully wrong and a new mode needs added. (The new mode
itself that makes up the majority of the bug was integrated a release or
two ago.)

The descriptions are wrong for three out of the four currently
documented modes. I've corrected and made the descriptions clearer along
with using the phrase "aspect ratio" better than "relative dimensions"
which people would understand better due to widescreen TV and DVD usage.

After updating the original patch, I brought this up in todays
#control-center patch party and they asked me to bring it your
attention. Could someone please review and let me know if you want a new
gnome-user-docs bug raised or can apply from the control-center bug?



"One must never be purposelessnessnesslessness."

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