Re: Shell vs. Menus for 2.18

Frederic Crozat wrote:
Le mercredi 14 février 2007 à 23:39 +0100, Vincent Untz a écrit :
(adding gnome-doc-list to cc)

Le mercredi 14 février 2007, à 18:02, Thomas Wood a écrit :
So release team, do we have your approval to revert the changes to the System menu, back to the way they were in 2.18?
Sounds okay to me, assuming you mean 2.16 ;-) Please keep it easily
possible to use only the shell (ie, hide the shell and show the folders
by default). I can commit the gnome-menus changes for this.

Approval 1/2.
Approval 2/2 but maybe we could let the shell visible too and see people
reactions (but I agree, having two ways of doing things is not really

Just to let everyone know, this change has now been made. The menu 
system will be the default method of accessing control center 
applications in the 2.18 release. It is be possible to switch to a 
single control center shell option by using the Alacarte menu editor.


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