Re: Gnome Live Wiki Day (and other wiki-ish ideas)?

I really like your ideas, and would be happy to contribute to a wiki day.

I do, however, agree with Joachim that MoinMoin is not the best wiki choice. MediaWiki would be so much better.

This is what I originally thought until I started looking into future possibilites and playing with the document management system I described in my previous email. While mediawiki (arguably) looks nicer it has the following shortcomings
1) No webservices interface
2) No way to export to docbook or any other format. Mediawikis internal storage format is not xml and is not easly converted to something useful via a xslt.
3) Does not store data as flat files like moin. This may (in combination with 1) make it harder to do automated release scripts for modules

Remember that moinmoin looks ugly just  because we are running the default skin since the upgrade. It is just as readily styled as any other wiki givin the right motivated web dsigner. I thought mediawiki was ugly until the beagle, mono and ifolder sites started using it!

Should mediawiki be chosen solely because it has (arguably) better syntax despite it having all these other mentioned shortcomings? After trawling the mediawiki devel lists for a while the features listed above are a long way away from being implemented on mediawiki anyway.

Also the new moinmoin version has a nice wysiwyg editor. If the server running live.gnome is upgraded to a later python version then we could run the latest moinmoin version.

Also, I find the new appearance of the wiki jarring. Is it possible to return to the previous appearance?

See above note re skinning



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