Re: New recruit, help needed in choosing project

Joachim Noreiko wrote:
--- alessandro ferrucci <a24 umbc edu> wrote:

My understanding was that DocBook was not simply a
set of tools but also
its own DTD specification with its own elements,
separate from XML.

I'm starting to get out of my depth here, so what I
say next could be total rubbish. :)
What I have gathered from looking up DocBook specs and
tutorials is that is *used* to be that, but has since
been rewritten in terms of XML.

This is correct.  SGML is a different set of rules than
XML, although it is very similar.  For example in SGML
you can end a tag with <tag></>, where in XML this is

Also, docbook SGML used to be converted to PDF or HTML
using jade, which uses DSSSL stylesheets.  Nowadays we
use docbook XML and convert to HTML via XSL stylesheets
and to PDF through XSL-FO.

Hope this clarifies (somewhat)

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