Re: gnome-doc-utils ?

On 2005-08-05T12:31:59+0300, s mako gmx net wrote:
> Maybe I missed something. Can somebody explain what gnome-doc-utils
> is for, and how to change applications to use it??

Main thing from translators point of view is that with gnome-doc-utils
we can translate manuals as PO files (similar to program messages),
and keeping translation in sync is also easier.

However quoting some propaganda :D from


1. You get a build system that works for you
2. You get translated docs which are easier to maintain
3. You get translation status pages for you docs:
4. Everybody starts loving you
5. Girls start loving you (FIXME: do they?) ...

The URL I mentioned also contains instructions for migrating modules
to use gnome-doc-utils.

Tommi Vainikainen

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