Re: Glossary (Re: "Folder" or "directory"?)

Telsa Gwynne wrote:

It is this:
It is generated from the file wordlist.xml in gnome-docu/gdp/style/

I am not sure what relationship it has to the gnome-i18n/glossary/
directory. Some of the gnome-i18n list certainly comes from the
one in gnome-docu/gdp, but words like "actuator" in the i18n glossary
There is no relationship. They are independent efforts, though both are 
from Sun people. However, it's sad that gnome-i18n/glossary is a dead 
project; it was intended to be used by Sun, but right now this is not 
the case, and the glossary becomes unmaintained. The creator of that 
glossary is recommending people to use the terminology in documentation 
style guide instead, until the idea of translation glossary is revived.

are words I have not found anywhere in Gnome. Which is a good thing, I think! Why on earth is "actuator" in there in the first place?
This second one from the gnome-i18n module is included in the "extras" 
table for translations in
                                        Your locale abbreviation here

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