Re: New Transformations in Yelp

some stupid questions - I have to admit, I haven't looked at the
stylesheets yet.

1. Are they also based on Norm Walsh's modular stylesheets?

2. Why create new rather than fix old? (Oh, I don't doubt there are very
good reasons - most likely you can get a huge speedup - but I'm

3. Can you provide a link to sample output? (I expect that UG posted on
is built using these stylesheets - is this correct?)


On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 22:34, Shaun McCance wrote:
> I've been hyping this for a while, so it's time to show something off. 
> I've created shiny new XSLT to do the DocBook to HTML transformations
> for Yelp.  The XSLT basically works for most of DocBook that is used in
> GNOME docs, but there's a ways to go still.  I've branced Yelp for the
> new code.  The new branch is transformation-playground.
> Why the branch?  Well, there are things that just don't work.  I want
> room to screw things up for a while, but still be able to have stuff in
> CVS.  People have been asking to see the new XSLT.  Plus, the changes
> have been getting dangerously big to keep only on my machine.
> If there's anybody who knows XSLT and is looking for some low-hanging
> fruit, there are about 100 DocBook elements that aren't supported but
> should be.  They're all conveniently marked with a FIXME in the code. 
> Most of them aren't hard.  They're just time-consuming.  Please don't
> just commit to CVS.  I'd like to look over changes before putting them
> in, to make sure they don't slow things down.
> A translation infastructure is in place in the XSLT.  I need to polish
> it up and make it work with intltool.  Help on the intltool portion
> would be appreciated, as I'm having a rather hard time figuring out a
> way to get plurals to work well.
> I'm going to try to rip out yelp-reader and pull all the transformations
> (including man and info) in-process.  There are some huge advantages to
> doing this, including still more speed improvements.  If this can be
> done cleanly, it should be possible to library-ify the transformation
> code, which some people have expressed an interest in.
> I'm afraid some of the rendering looks off.  While developing the XSLT,
> I was looking at the output in Mozilla (well, Epiphany).  It turns out
> that gtkhtml doesn't like a whole lot of the CSS.  There's been talk
> about using Gecko for Yelp.  Help would be appreciated here as well.
> If you don't have time to write code for Yelp, but still want to help
> out, then please feel free to run this stuff from CVS.  The new XSLT is
> bound to have bugs (beyond just the unimplemented stuff), as DocBook is
> absolutely huge, and mostly impossible to get right.  Transformation
> bugs are usually easy to fix, but sometimes they're hard to find, as
> they may only appear on one document doing something obscure.  Testing
> would be a huge help, and it's easy to do.
> These new stylesheets are also built to be able to chunk to seperate
> files cleanly, so they can easily be used to create HTML for the web. 
> In fact, the file chunking will probably work better than the Yelp
> chunking, since that's how I developed them.  I've been promising an
> automated docs builder for a while.  It was blocking on this.
> Feature freeze is in exactly three months.  Please help out, or I might
> have to give up sleeping.
> --
> Shaun
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