Re: [Q] Help using Docbook [xsltproc]

On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 01:03:09AM -0500, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> I'm trying to get the docbook tools working on my system so I can turn a 
> docbook document into XHTML or other formats.
> I'm looking at the GDP Handbook:
> I've followed the installation instructions of section 3.2.3 and now I 
> have xmllint, xsltproc and xmlcatalog in my system.
> xmllint and xmlcatalog seem to do what they should.  I am struggling with 
> xsltproc though.
> Section 3.3.2 says that I should use it like this:
> $ xsltproc --noout -o output  stylesheet.xsl filename.xml

Firstly, if that is really what the instructions say, then there is a
bug there. You should have a slash after the output directory (and the
--noout bit is implied when -o is specified so you can omit that if you
like). So, it should read something like:

	xsltproc -o output/ stylesheet.xsl filename.xml

Omitting the slash means that the results will be dumped into your
current directory, which is not what is intended.

JFleck: do I need to file a bug on this, or is this email enough to
prompt a correction?

> My question:
> Which style sheet should I be using there? (say I want to make an XHTML 
> file).
> As indicated in 3.2.3, I have the docbook DTD in the 
> $PREFIX/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.1.2 directory and the style sheets in 
> the $PREFIX/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.48 directory.
> I don't know where to go from here.

OK, under this setup, you probably want to use
$PREFIX/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.48/xhtml/chunk.xsl (to
produce multi-page output) as the stylesheet.

You should also have a read of the documentation that comes with the xsl
stylesheets, which contains some instructions on how to customise
various portions of the output.


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