2.4 release list

Folks -

Per my missive of last week, I've poked the way through the list of new
packages for the release of GNOME 2.4 and gotten what I think is a
handle on what's already in progress or spoken for, and where work is
needed. You'll see there are several apps down here that are not yet
spoken for.

I've also been going through the Doctable[1] updating things, and there
are number of older apps there not yet spoken for for those folks who
have been interested in writing documentation. I'll send a separate
missive out once I've got a better handle on all that, but if you're
looking for something to and none of the below bits suit your fancy,
look at the Doctable for apps with no writer listed.

The New Stuff List:

	drwright (now part of control-center) - Eugene
	epiphany - David Bordoley taking the lead, and
		Thijs Thiessens helping out
	gcalctool - Breda
	gnomemeeting - unclear what's up, looks like there's a group 		working
on this but I've been unable to contact them
    	gnopernicus - Irene
    	gok - Irene
    	gpdf - may need a volunteer
	gucharmap - needs a volunteer
	nautilus-cd-burner - should be included in Nautilus docs - 		Eugene?
    	fontilus (now part of control-center) - Eugene
    	themus (now part of control-center) - Eugene
        totem - needs a volunteer
  	zenity - Glynn Foster has already done docs (is there anything 		this
man *can't* do?) but would be "very grateful" is 		someone wanted to
take over their care and feeding.


[1] http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp/doctable--.html
John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)
http://www.inkstain.net http://www.abqjournal.com

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