
Hi Shaun,

After a long break away from gnome-doc-list I have spent some time recently to see how online help is at the moment in Gnome. I have read all your emails on gnome-doc-list in the last 12 months and the Shared Documentation System thread on

Some of the docs guys here in Sun talked to me about some missing features in Yelp and I wanted to find out which parts are you focusing on at the moment and where/how could we join in to help.

A number of issues mentioned where the docs guys think Yelp could use some work are:

- index keyword search: I know Scrollkeeper inside out so I know that it supports index search if index markup is provided in the docs and I also know that Yelp has support for this, but the 2.4.0 version I am using does not display any index present in the docs

- search in documents: this is not supported at all, some kind of text indexing facility that indexes all docs and provides search though Yelp would be great

- printing: it would be nice to be able to print docs viewed in Yelp

- UI: it has been mentioned that the UI could use a facelift, it is not very obvious for me what this means, but we could work on identifying issues if it comes to it

- tips: this could be part of Yelp or completely independent, it would be useful to have the Tips window that a lot of other desktops have

- bookmarks: would be nice to be able to store bookmarks to pages

What are your plans in these areas?

I know that the Shared Documentation System thread on is about making everybody's life simpler by getting rid of middlewares like Scrollkeeper. Scrollkeeper provides some functionality that people will need as build tools if Scrollkeeper is not present (like index and TOC extraction from docs). It would be good to know how and when you plan to move away from Scrollkeeper.


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