Patch to gdp handbook (builddocs.xml)


I think a small addition needs to be made to builddocs.xml in the gdp
handbook. Basically, 
I've added a small note on how to invoke a particular section of the
help file - which would be the case when there are help buttons littered
throughout different parts of an application, i.e.use of

gnome_help_display ("helpfile", "section", &err);

The patch is attached. Please go through it.

Patanjali Somayaji <patanjali codito com>
Codito Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
--- builddocs.xml	2002-08-10 09:16:18.000000000 +0530
+++ builddocs-new.xml	2003-04-02 19:06:29.000000000 +0530
@@ -158,5 +158,35 @@
+<!-- ###### Adding help to point to a special section ######-->
+          <para>
+          If you want the help browser to open up a particular section 
+          of the help document when a help button is clicked, you can do that 
+          using <function>gnome_help_display</function>. For example,  
+          if you want the section "mountfloppy" which is defined in the 
+	  help file <filename>gfloppy.xml</filename> as : 
+          <programlisting>
+          <![CDATA[
+          <sect1 id="mountfloppy" >
+            <title>Mount a floppy</title>
+            <para>Follow these steps to mount a floppy ... </para>
+          </sect1>
+          ]]>
+          </programlisting>
+	  to be shown, then you can use the second argument to 
+          <function>gnome_help_display</function> as follows: 
+          <programlisting>
+          <![CDATA[
+gnome_help_display ("gfloppy", "mountfloppy", &error);
+          ]]>
+          </programlisting>
+          </para>
-  </sect1>
\ No newline at end of file
+  </sect1>

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