Re: Documentation on the New GNOME Website

On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 12:20:53PM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="John Fleck">
> > For extra credit, it would be marvelous if we also could have prebuilt
> > pdf's available as well. This is a common request.
> Hmm! That could be done automagically too, and linked from the sidebar very
> nicely. What a groovy feature. ;-)

Based on a few dozen emails that I have received about the porting
document, tarballs of the html for some documents are a popular request,
too. It's not always trivial to get the wget or curl invocation right to
get only the document you want and not the entire sitei (and not
everybody has the setup to build documents from source themselves). If
we've got the space on the website, this would be a good addition.

> > The Content
> > ***********
> > 
> > I'd like to see all of the user docs incorporated into this system,
> > including the amazingly comprehensive and cool UG and Sasha's
> > Introduction to GNOME.
> > 
> > Malcolm's porting guide should be included, as should the G2 release
> > notes.
> > 
> > This also provides an opportunity to think about the status of other docs
> > we have floating around that are useful but in a state of dusty
> > uncertainty - the glossary, the unix primer. What other docs should we be
> > discussing?
> I'm mostly interested in user-oriented docs atm, since we already have lots
> of developer-oriented stuff already, but having two lists of documents (user
> vs. developer) would be very useful.

A lot of the developer stuff is fairly out of date and organised in a
higgledy-piggledy fashion. I usually (not even just "sometimes") have
trouble finding something I know is on d.g.o. at the moment.

So we (the docs group, not the web group) need to probably work out what
we want to have on show and do it (and, yes, I have as much or as little
time as anybody else and I haven't done anything about it either, but
that does not make the problem go away, sadly).


I've got a mind like a... a... what's that thing called?

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