Documentation on the New GNOME Website

Hi everyone,

GDP documentation is going to be a big part of the New GNOME Website
(capitalised due to STRENGTH OF MYTHICAL PROPORTIONS), given that docs can
be seamlessly integrated into the site structure/design, and much of w.g.o
would be better maintained as docbook articles or books.

Certainly smaller, less modified stuff should be kept as HTML, but for
things like the FAQs, user guides, and other more solid documentation, I'd
love to have the GDP involved to work out what's lacking from the current

API docs are pretty much covered, so I'm just interested in the user
oriented things.

Thoughts? I'd love to compile a list of existing documentation that should
be integrated, and 'stuff wot needs to be written'.

  (By the way, I've been poking through yelp and large gobs of the GNOME 2.x
  documentation again recently... FAR OUT it's awesome. You guys are doing a
  great job. Thank you!)


- Jeff

  "I run Linux on pretty much everything except the microwave and washing   
     machine. Those are tempting targets but would probably make Telsa      
                        extremely cross." - Alan Cox                        

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