Re: complaint

eugene oconnor said: 

> The GUP make the HIG available in the following ways:
> * Online HTML (chunked using the GDP customization stylesheets)
> * Downloadable tarred and zipped HTML (presumably also chunked)
> * PDF
> It would be good to have the User Guide available from the web in each of 
these formats. Other formats that we should consider:
> * Downloadable tarred and zipped HTML (non-chunked, to meet John Boyer's 
> * PostScript - is this really necessary if the PDF is available?
> However, I don't know how feasible it is to create a fresh PDF of the User 
Guide every time there is an update. Eric, does it involve much effort to create 
the PDF from the XML?
Well, if people are not too fussy, we could put up the Solaris-variant of the 
GNOME User Guide in pdf. The advantage is that we create a fresh pdf file of the 
UG anyway every time we do an update to the source files, so there is an 
automatic creation process. The disadvantage is that there are a few mentions of 
Solaris. The only place where this is really a bother is in the starting a 
session section. 


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