Re: Accessibility Guide


Publishing it on the Web would be great ! It would also allow more people
to review the document and hopefully provide comments, corrections, and
Unforntunately, I wouldn't have any idea what directory or library the
guide should live.

Sharon Snider
Linux Accessibility, and Information Development
IBM Linux Technology Services
(512) 838-4127, T/L 678-4127

                      John Fleck                                                                                                      
                      <jfleck inkstain         To:       Sharon D Snider/Austin/IBM IBMUS                                             
                      net>                     cc:       gnome-doc-list <gnome-doc-list gnome org>                                    
                                               Subject:  Re: Accessibility Guide                                                      
                      11/21/2002 09:38                                                                                                

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 19:38, Sharon D Snider wrote:
> Attached is a tar file containing my first draft of the GNOME2
> Accessibility Guide in xml and html. I intend to update the content as
> accessibility enhancements evolve.

Sharon -

Thanks, this looks quite comprehensive.
I've put it in cvs at gnome-docu/gdp/contrib/gag/
I only checked in the xml, not the generated html.

Are you comfortable with having this published on the web in its current
state as a near term way to make it more available to people who might
be able to make use of it now?

As a longer term solution, we need to know what package an accessibility
users' guide should live in so it is installed on users' machines. One
of the a11y libraries? gnome-user-docs? Sharon, do you have any ideas?
Irene, what was your plan for packaging the Solaris version you're
working on?

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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