Re: DTD and stylesheets in Yelp

ons 2002-06-05 klockan 20.34 skrev Gregory Leblanc:

> > So what happens on systems which have decent DocBook packages which
> > install all the right files in the right places and register them?  I'm
> > assuming that Yelp is installing duplicate copies in a location which
> > doesn't over-write the others, to avoid package conflicts.  That seems
> > fine in itself, since I think we can do that without having packages
> > conflict or putting files in places where they shouldn't be.  What happens
> > to the XML catalog when we try to install and register two versions of the
> > same DTD?  Does everything (libxml's catalog and other tools, and Yelp)
> > continue to work properly with duplicate entries in the catalog?
> I'm not 100% sure on this, but I'm pretty confident...  Yelp is
> installing the stylesheets to someplace other than the "proper" location
> that distributions should be putting them.  This means there shouldn't
> be any file conflicts.  Yelp doesn't register it's copy of the
> stylesheets in the XML catalog.  It also appears that yelp has no need
> to ship the DTD, just the stylesheets.


Perhaps I can make things a little clearer :)
As Greg says, I install the DTD and stylesheets out of the way of the
system versions. I setup my own catalog and use that so the system
catalog is not used, in the long run I will make it possible to not
install these things with a configure-flag so that distributions that
set things up correctly don't have to have two copies of these (about
1.5 MB hard disk space).

In the even longer perspective our stylesheets will work with "current"
of Norms stylesheets and we can make that a dependency and have the
distributions make this correctly.

As for the DTD it has to be shipped to since it's needed to convert
since lots of the entities used in Docbook is defined in the DTD. On the
other hand lots of system has a working DTD catalog but not the
stylesheets. The Stylesheets are tougher too since we need exactly 1.48
and most systems either has older or newer versions installed. 

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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