Re: Usability (was Re: Yelp)


On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 13:17, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> I can just imagine a new user struggling to figure out GNOME out.  He
> keeps looking around the main menu for some help.  If he only knew that
> all his answers lay behind the entry that says "Yelp"...
> I know that it's too late to change the name "Evolution" or "Gnumeric",
> but can we still change the name "Yelp"?  What is wrong with "Help
> Browser".  Sure the name has been used.  Can't we update the app and keep
> the name?  I think we should.

To be honest, I thought the name Yelp was very good.  After all, one
yelps when they are in trouble. ;)

A long time ago (before yelp), I was thinking of building a help
browser, but I was much busier then.  I came up with the name
"Advisor".  I'm just including this in case more people believe Yelp is
a bad name and want to consider alternatives.  But Yelp does it for me.

> Just my opinion of course.

...and this is mine.  Enjoy.

Nick Curran
<quasar austar net au>

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