Re: GDP Handbook

On Sun, 2002-08-11 at 18:21, Eric Baudais wrote:
> The second draft of the GDP Handbook is in CVS at
> gnome-docu/gdp/gdp-handbook/ or on the web at:
> All suggestions and comments are welcome.  The Handbook has undergone a
> major restructuring of the chapters.  I've tried to gear the Handbook
> toward teaching new doc writers the practical aspects of writing
> documentation for GNOME.  Some areas that still need work are the
> specifics of OMF files, indexing in DocBook and redoing the DocBook
> chapter.
Couple of minor problems I noticed,

Chpt 3 Section 3.2.1 - The second URL to Tim Waugh's page doesn't work
Section 3.3.1 - Typo's 1st para 'delcared' 2nd para 'delcared' 3rd para
'retreive' (i before e except after c...) 
Section 3.3.3 - Typo's 1st para 'delcaration' 
Section 5.2.1 - Typo 1st para 'authoriative'
section 9.2. - Typo 'directorory'

RedHat Certified Engineer #807302549405490.
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