Re: docs chunking status

fre 2002-04-12 klockan 14.28 skrev John Fleck:

> So do either of you have more specific suggestions for the changes
> necessary to gnome2-db2html to make this all work?

What is needed is some sort of internal cache in gnome2-db2html so that
it doesn't have to go through all the work it does whenever you change
section. We probably want this anyway, so that when changing document it
doesn't have to re-read the stylesheets again (which it currently does).

IMHO, this can be done in three way.

1) Put it in Yelp directly, so that it runs in the same process as yelp 
   and thus never quits during one session.

2) Have it in a library together with the man2html and info2html which I
   can use from within Yelp instead of having to call external programs.

3) Have it run as a daemon which you call from yelp.

I think that 2) is probably the best solution. This will probably
improve load-time of documents quite a bit but will require me to move
the gnome-vfs module-code into Yelp (which isn't a big problem).

The thing I want to know is how much of the db2html-procedure that can
be cached so that it doesn't have to be redone for every section, that
is, how much time will the second call to get a section cost?

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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