docs chunking status

Ok, so after a crash dive into xslt and docbook stylesheet customisation:

	* I have a customisation that does it all - except for needing
	  some amount of tweaking when it comes to prev/next links

	* we need a change to the way gnome2-db2html does things
	  internaly slightly

	* yelp is presently making assumptions that need to change -
	  Hallski doesn't like it because it will make things less

	* The efficency problem largely comes from the fact that presently
	  we are just executing and external program and then pulling the
	  data back. The initial "make things faster" fix would be to have
	  yelp intercept a special "we just want to repapply the stylesheet 
	  on the doc" uri so we don't continously reload docbook dtd and


	I see a dark sail on the horizon
	Set under a dark cloud that hides the sun
	Bring me my Broadsword and clear understanding

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