Re: Proposal: Image Tag Conventions

On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 03:38:36PM -0400, Alexander Kirillov wrote:
> Yes, the document validates. And I am not sure it is a bug - at least,
> not libxslt bug. You see,
> normally <xref> uses  element's  title. But according to DTD,
> <screenshot> can not have a title. Of course, <xref> could use
> something like "this screenshot"  but then this must be specified in
> stylesheets, and apparently it is not. 
> I do have another bug which I believe to be a libxslt bug. If I
> try using chunk.xsl  stylesheet, so that I get output split into
> several files, it is puts them in the current directory. I tried to
> force it to put the files  in  a different directory by putting this
> line in my own stylesheet: 
> <xsl:variable name="base.dir">output/</xsl:variable>
> It produced unexpected result: top-level file (index.html) was put in
> "output" directory. All other files (for all other sect1's) were put in
> the current directory. This is definitely a bug - I am just not sure
> if it is a stylesheet thing or libxslt. 

  Hum, multiple output is not part of the XSLT spec. So to start
there is no "compliance breakage". Second try with xtchunk.xsl it
received more testing. Third also instruct xsltproc where you want to
output the stylesheets. For example "make" in tests/docbook does:

  ../../xsltproc/xsltproc -o ./result/xtchunk/html/gdp-handbook ./html/xtchunk.xsl ./test/gdp-handbook.xml

 Then the URI reference can be computed from a firm values which is
the output/index.html . This with xtchunk is part of libxslt regression tests.

  Last but not least, the bug used to be in Norms stylesheets under:
        <xsl:template name="make-relative-filename">

  which was doing 
    <xsl:variable name="vendor" select="system-property('xsl:vendor')"/>
    if (vendor == SAXON)
    if (vendor == Apache)
    ... doesn't work

 I would check that function in the stylesheets you're using to see how
it had been fixed, this may explain why $base.dir is not used at all
when processing with XSLT. In that case send a mail to Norm and cc' me :-)

Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
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