Re: Proposal: Image Tag Conventions

Thanks Eric!  While we're making life slightly more complex with this
proposal, I wanted to post something which should make life quite a bit
easier, at least for those of us using Emacs/PSGML.
Dan Barlow wrote a nifty piece of code a while back, which made
inserting a figure a single keypress.  Very slick.  Now that we're using
DocBook 4, and the Nifty New Markup, I did some hacking on it.  It
supports all three proposed markups, and takes just a single keypress to
insert all the markup.

How to use it.  Grab the attachment from this message, or get it from, and save it in your
home directory.  Add the following line to your .emacs

(load "/home/USERNAME/gdp-pictures.el")

You can actually put it anywhere you like, so long as you make sure that
the path is correct.  Currently, F7 inserts a <figure>, F8 inserts a
<screenshot>, and F9 inserts a <mediaobject>.  Enjoy!

; the markup for pictures automatically.

; this first one inserts a <figure> markup block.  It should be used
; for larger graphics elements.

(defun gdp-insert-figure (title filename)
  (interactive "MTitle: \nMFilename (no extension): ")
  (let ((point (point)))
" 	<figure>
	      <imagedata fileref=\"\" format=\"PNG\"/>
	      <imagedata fileref=\"\" format=\"EPS\"/>
    (indent-region point (point) nil)
    (search-backward "</phrase>" point t)))
(define-key global-map [f7] 'gdp-insert-figure)

; this one inserts a <screenshot>.  Clearly, use this one for
; screenshots.  :-)

(defun gdp-insert-screenshot (title filename)
  (interactive "MTitle: \nMFilename (no extension): ")
  (let ((point (point)))
"   <screenshot>
      <imagedata fileref=\"\" format=\"PNG\"/>
      <imagedata fileref=\"\" format=\"EPS\"/>
    (indent-region point (point) nil)
    (search-backward "</phrase>" point t)))
(define-key global-map [f8] 'gdp-insert-screenshot)

; This one inserts a media object.  Use this for small graphics, less
; than a figure and not a screenshot.

(defun gdp-insert-mediaobject (title filename)
  (interactive "MTitle: \nMFilename (no extension): ")
  (let ((point (point)))
"  <mediaobject>
    <imagedata fileref="" format="PNG"/>
    <imagedata fileref="" format="EPS"/>
    (indent-region point (point) nil)
    (search-backward "</phrase>" point t)))
(define-key global-map [f9] 'gdp-insert-mediaobject)

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