XMLpo, or something like it

Hi folks!  I've been talking with a few people at Sun, and they are
planning to make sure that application manuals are translated for the
GNOME 2.0 release.  I know that translating manuals in their native
XML/SGML format is rather difficult, as that makes the translators
figure out what's going on with the XML, in addition to trying to
determine how to translate the document.

Everyone that I've talked to likes working with po files much better. 
KDE has created a tool called XMLPO, which extracts XML documents into
po files for easy translation.

Should we be looking at just using the XMLPO tool directly from KDE, or
should we instead just grab that concept, and put together our own
tools?  How do intltool (formerly xml-i18n-tools) and gtranslator fit
into this?  Could somebody give us a summary of what the current options
are, and what needs to be done to make them happen for GNOME 2.0?

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