Re: C/en

On Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 07:45:43PM +0100, ERDI Gergo wrote:
> Looking at various GNOME projects (and even the gdp example project), I
> don't understand why English manuals are installed and registered via
> ScrollKeeper as being written in the C language. Why would you want to do
> this instead of registering it as "en"?

Because there is no "en" locale? There is en_GB, en_AU, en_NZ, en_US and
_many_ others.

By default, most *nix systems come setup with the locale as C and will
also often fall back to the C locale looking for things if no
locale-specific document is available. Putting everything under en_US
(for better or worse, we seem to have decided on US spellings and
grammar for our documents) would then mean we have to try the locale
that is set, then en_US and then C. This sounds like a lot of work for
not a lot of gain.


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