Re: Title Page Suggestion

My 2 cents: it'd be nice but not a major issue to have info "this
 document was last updated on.." right on TOC page. As for other
 titlepage stuff, I do not care very much one way or another, so I
 trust Dan, Pat, and Eric to come to some common solution.  What I
 do care about  is that we all do it the same way, so whatever
 solution you guys agree on, it should  be enforced. 


On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 09:28:35AM +0000, Pat Costello wrote:
> Dan et al, 
> Whereas I can appreciate that individual contributors would want to see their 
> name at the top of the TOC, in the case of corporate contributors such as Sun, 
> this would be undesirable. If the Sun Microsystems name appears at the top of a 
> piece of documentation there could be a wrong impression generated about 
> branding and ownership. As the GNOME desktop is a free software initiative, we 
> would want to avoid that. The same ownership and branding issue would occur with 
> other corporate players such as Redhat, and others who might want to join in 
> later. 
> So, would it be possible to have a situation where we could satisfy both 
> requirements? In other words, could we have a setup whereby the author can 
> choose to leave the name slot empty on the TOC, providing of course that the 
> name slot on the linked Title Page is filled? This course of action would allow 
> individual contributors the choice of including their names, and corporate 
> contributors could be discreetly credited in the Title Page. 
> Possible? 
> Pat
> > X-Authentication-Warning: dmueth owned process 
> doing -bs
> > X-X-Sender: <dmueth enlightenment uchicago edu>
> > To: Pat Costello <Patrick Costello sun com>
> > cc: <gnome-doc-list gnome org>
> > Subject: Re: Title Page Suggestion
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Pat Costello wrote:
> > 
> > > Does anyone else have any opinions about this question?
> > 
> > I tend to agree in that I expect the user will start at the TOC and then
> > go to the sections of interest.  If they are concerned that the material
> > may be out of date, are curious who the authors are, or want to know who
> > to email with questions, then they may start looking for the section with
> > this sort of info. We need to make sure it is pretty easy to find.  If we
> > list the titlepage as "Title Page" in the TOC, I'm not sure whether users
> > will know to look there.  I generally would prefer a solution which kept
> > this info on the titlepage if it was easy for users to find though.
> > 
> > However, I can think of another reason for adding more info to the TOC
> > page.  One of the top reasons people contribute to free software projects
> > is for recognition, and so it is nice to place the contributors name at a
> > very prominent place.  There is a certain satisfaction to going to an
> > applet or application, choosing Help from the menu, and seeing your name
> > pop up at the top of the window.  It may look somewhat out of place on the
> > TOC page though.
> > 
> > Dan
> > 
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