Re: GNOME DocTable

On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 08:36:47AM +0000 or thereabouts, Daniel Rees wrote:

> >gmenu
> I've spoken to Sasha about this and he seems to think this would be a good
> first project for me to work on (althoug Telsa seems to be assigned to it).

Urgh. I shouldn't be. It fried my brain. That must be from ages and
ages ago. Feel free to have it. 

> Unfortunately I do not have access to CVS (my net connection at college is
> Win95, but my standalone box is Linux). Is this a major problem?

Not really: you can send it to someone else to put in CVS. The only
thing I do remember is that you may need to be careful what editor
you use in Windows. I think some editors do funny things to line
endings. Perhaps someone who knows both Windows and Unix can explain
this better. (I haven't used Windows so all I see is the result on
Unix and I don't know how it's caused.)


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