Re: How to use GFDL 1.1

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 12:37:42PM +0300, Alexander Shopov wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am currently writing a mini-howto on translating the Gnome interface
> in Bulgarian.


> I want to release it under GFDL.


> I am not sure whether I must have things like Invariant sections, cover
> and back texts.

You don't *have* to. It is entirely optional. You should state
explicitly that you are using the GFDL with no invariant sections, no
cover text, no back text.

> What is the intent of such sections?

To give you as the author the power to prevent *some* of the content
from being changed, while allowing others to produce derivative works
by changing the body of the document. So, you can require that a URL
to your version, credit for you, and other such things are guaranteed,
no matter how much they might alter the rest of the document.

> Another question - GFDL is quite big, can I just make a reference to it
> online and point
> people to FSF for a written copy if they want it? (like GPL says?)

Including it whole is probably better legal protection. A reference
should be sufficient. My opinion is that it depends how much you're
worried about a legal challenge, like someone misusing the document
(not honoring invariant sections, for instance).

If your document will always be published as part of a collection (the
situation with most LDP documents), then you only need a single copy
of the license, and so referencing is quite sufficient.

IANAL. This is not legal advice, just another user's opinion!

If this is really a concern to you, write the FSF or browse their
pages for usage instructions.


Dr. David C. Merrill           
Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
Collection Editor & Coordinator  
                                       Finger me for my public key

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		-- J. Gooding

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