

I am now on the gdp list as well as the ldp and the kdp lists. I am
going to be looking at how the gdp works and how the ldp might work
together with you toward solving documentation issues.

One thing I noticed right off the bat is that you are using your own
modified version of the docbook stylesheets. The ldp does that as
well, and it seems you are solving the same issues in pretty much the
same ways. I am not a stylesheet expert, so I could be wrong, but I
think we could work together on a common stylesheet.

Would you be interested in approaching this as a joint project?

Dr. David C. Merrill           
Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
Collection Editor & Coordinator  
                                       Finger me for my public key

"Our attitude with TCP/IP is, `Hey, we'll do it, but don't make a big
system, because we can't fix it if it breaks -- nobody can.'"

"TCP/IP is OK if you've got a little informal club, and it doesn't make
any difference if it takes a while to fix it."
		-- Ken Olson, in Digital News, 1988

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