Re: interested in helping out

On 21 Mar 2001 00:07:19 -0500, Patrick wrote:
> Specifically I would like to help with web pages, I know HTML, know some
> javascript and a bit of perl.  I also know some Java and c++ and Intel
> arch. assembly though most of that is windows based as is my Internet
> connection at the moment.

I think the -best- list to jump ont for web stuff would be the
gnome-web-list.  You can subscribe to it in a very similar manner to how
you joined the gnome-doc-list, (someplace at, probably).
They take a bit of prodding, but I'm sure that somebody can point you at
something that could use doing.  (I think there are some shots of a
design for the website as images that need to be turned into HTML).


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