Re: Gnome Help 2.0

On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 10:05:20PM -0600, John Fleck wrote:
> Good questions. I'm cross posting to the gnome-doc-list, where others
> can chime in.

I'm copying the FreeBSD -doc list on this as well.

> On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 12:46:30AM -0300, Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho wrote:
> > 1.1. How to locate DSSSL stylesheets? Or we'll be restricted only to
> >      Norman Walsh's default stylesheets? (Honestly, I think they
> >      aren't enough and always need some customization to reflect
> >      project decision -- such as TOC, TOC level, CSS stylesheets,
> >      admonitions images, new processing directives, etc.)
> Well, we've only wandered into the quagmire of proliferating
> stylesheets in the last couple of days. My original intention was to
> make *a* custom stylesheet for all DocBook docs, others have argued we
> need multiple ones to uniquely display KDE, LDP, etc:

I've just had a look at that -- it doesn't begin to cover some of the
complexities when you have documents that are designed to be processed
with different parameters to the parser to control (for example) the
conditional inclusion of different chunks of text.

Remember that what the end user sees as a single document may contain
content that's come from a number of different locations.

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