Re: GNOME 2 schedule and issues

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 09:35:36AM -0700, John Fleck offered:
> coming along, but we need people testing it. Greg Leblanc and Dan
> Mueth have set up a template for the necessary's, but we
> need people to begin adding this to the packages to see how it works
> in practice and work out any build bugs now, before the documentation
> blitz begins in earnest next month.

Really? I guess I'm out of the loop. I've been waiting for info on how to 
incorporate the building of the docs with a given app. Is there a brief 
how-to on this? Admittedly, I might have gotten trigger happy with the 'd' 
key and deleted an email that explained this. 

> Questions:
> **********
> Among those out there slaving away furiously on the necessary tasks
> that need finishing - stylesheets, gnome3-db2html, Yelp, title page,
> licensing issues - where do you stand and what help do you need?

Well, as mentioned above, info on building docs would be a great help. 

I have noticed that a "legal.xml" has been added to the templates section, 
and the templates link to this file. Is that how we should include the
legal stuff from now on, or just paste into a file and keep things as just
a *.xml file?

> Who has converted docs to XML, and how has that gone?

The docs have not been updated with new content or screenshots (that will come
after the UI freeze), but for my part, gdm, gdmconfig, and gnomeicu have been
xml'ized. I've worked on some applet docs, but have yet to commit them.

> Who has built GNOME 2 and played with the new help infrastructure, and
> how has that gone?

I should probably try this at some point.

> What other things have I not mentioned that need attention for a
> well-documented GNOME 2 to arrive on our users' desktops in March?

One small thing I'm curious about. Is there a doc for the dock-applet? I can't
seem to find it on my machine. Is it mentioned somewhere in the user guide?


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