Which is the correct template currently?

Having just updated my CVS stuff:

[hobbit aloss ~/CVS/gnome-docu/gdp/templates]$ ls
CVS				     applet_template_1.sgml.cdata
GNOMEAPPLET-fig.png		     example_applets.png
GNOMEAPPLET-properties.png	     gnome-app-template.sgml
Makefile.am			     gnome-app-template.sgml.cdata
applet_props_dialog.png		     gnome-applet-template-shell.sgml
applet_template_1-applet.sgml	     gnome-applet-template-shell.sgml.cdata
applet_template_1-applet.sgml.cdata  gnome-applet-template.sgml.part
applet_template_1.sgml		     gnome-applet-template.sgml.part.cdata

...exactly which of these am I supposed to care about? This is silly.
If we don't want to lose them, can't we make a "old" directory and
move 'em? 

I think a "CURRENT_IS_whichever" file is sorely need. If ln -s works
in CVS, then creating a "current-template" and just switching the links
would be cool, but I have learned that CVS always has a few surprises
for me, and I suspect that it won't like that at all. 

Failing that, a file called current-templates which gets edited to
say "for applets, use foo. for apps, use blah" etc would be fine.

In addition, I also have grave problems with some of the grammar in
many of the templates. They were supposed to be guidelines, folks. But
since people keep "correcting" my grammar to be in line with the 
templates, word for word, I am simply going to change whichever
are the relevant ones unless someone really screams within a few days.

And I still think … is a mistake: it's rendered incorrectly
by several browsers. (Either that or the stylesheets still need 


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