Re: 1.4 updates

On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 10:56:32AM +0100, John Sheehan Sun Microsystems Ireland wrote:
> Hi,
> Definitely users should have a facility to give feedback to the 
> developers.  
> But bug-reports and product support can have a channel other than 
> directly back to the developers.  As Gnome becomes ever more pervasive,
> the developers will not wish to deal with every bug report.  That is 
> the job of intervening support groups who typically address and filter 
> out all but the most complex problems which they might send on to the 
> developers

I am not saying this is a bad idea. I am just saying that it is not to
us - doc writers - to decide this; I'd like to see this discussed by
developers/maintainers before we start implementing this. 

Yes, I understand that any company can change the feedback addresses
in the docs they ship without asking anyone's permission - this is
what FDL is about...


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